Tim’s pumpkin takes the prize

Morrinsville dairy farmer Tim Harris has broken the New Zealand giant pumpkin record, beating the Australian record, making it the heaviest pumpkin in the Southern Hemisphere.
Tim’s pumpkin weighed in at 754.5kg at the Great Pumpkin Carnival held in Hamilton Gardens on Sunday, beating the current NZ record of 732.5kg set just over a week ago by 16-year-old Aaron Akkerman in Marton.
Tim’s pumpkin is 11.5kg heavier then the Australian record of 743kg. At only 90 days old, and putting on 20kg a day at its peak growth period, it was destined to break records.
While soup is on many people’s minds, Tim says his pumpkin won’t taste too good so is destined for the cows, who will love it.
And don’t forget – Gordonton School is holding its Pumpkin and Harvest Festival today ( Tuesday 31 March) – the Country Kitchen will be selling preserves, produce and flowers, and there will be exhibits, sand saucers, fruit and veggie sculptures and miniature gardens as well . Pumpkins, almost as big as Tim’s, will also be in abundance.
Starts at 5pm, finishes 8pm with lots of fun in between.