Open day on road changes
Changes to local roads, including a plan to temporarily close Kay Rd for 13 months, were discussed at a NZ Transport Agency open day at Rototuna Junior High School yesterday.
The project team were on hand to answer questions about the proposed construction programme, starting in October.
Work on bridges at Kay Rd, Gordonton Rd and Ruakura Rd is due to start before Christmas, says NZTA’s acting Waikato/Bay of Plenty highways manager Niclas Johansson.
“Sealed, traffic diversions will be built around the work sites at Gordonton Rd and Ruakura Rd to minimise disruption to local traffic,” he said.
“Unfortunately, it is not possible to build a diversion at Kay Rd because the terrain is too steep, so our plan is to close the road at the bridge site for up to 13 months.
“Access to all properties on Kay Rd will be maintained during construction.”

Mr Johansson says the project team want to get feedback about the plan and other areas of the project from as many people as possible.
“We want to know how these changes may affect the community so we can look at ways to minimise the impact as much as possible.
“People will also have the chance to find out about how the team is working with Waikato District Council and Hamilton City Council to minimise disruption to traffic on local roads, and get clarity on any questions they may have before construction starts.”
A graphic showing proposed changes can be found here.