Anzac approaches

A reminder that this year’s Anzac Day celebrations in Gordonton are on Tuesday 25 April.
“Everyone is invited, and it’s an occasion where people can come together and share in a communal sense of remembrance,” Keith Jellyman said.
The service starts at 10am, and will involve a remembrance in the Gordonton hall and a wreath laying service at the memorial outside. The guest speaker is Mr T K Parone, who served in the NZ Army for 26 years.
“Following that there will be a finger food morning tea, which folk can contribute to. People are welcome to make wreaths and place them on the cenotaph. There will be poppies for sale and a donation box to defray costs, with any left-over going to the RSA.”
The service has been organised by members from St Mary’s Church and WEC Oaks.
Also check out Poppies for Anzac 2017, by ceramic artist Christine Whiteley, currently in The Mandarin Tree in the Village.
Click here for a profile of Christine in Number 8 Network.
Shed a tear for our lost family on my behalf …
Oh, we will, we will. Always shed a tear at the Last Post…