Tauhei Memorial Hall
After much work by an enthusiastic committee, the Tauhei Memorial Hall was opened on July 9, 1921.
Since that day, the hall has been a meeting place for Tauhei residents and remains a focal point for the local and wider community.
Today, the recently refurbished and wheelchair friendly hall is a popular venue for weddings, 21sts and numerous other family and community celebrations.
The hall is at 854 Tauhei Rd, Tauhei.
The Bowling Club meets Tuesdays from 7.30pm.
Phone Shirley Clark 07 887 6835
The Badminton Club meets Wednesdays from 7.30pm.
Phone Kerry 07 887 6862
Rural Women meet on the fourth Monday of the month from 11am.
Phone Shirley Clark 07 887 6835
Facilities include
Off road parking
200 padded chairs
Lounge room seating for 45
Tables – nine large, four medium and one small
Moveable stage
Bar (opening on to lounge) with bar fridge
2x fridges
2x stoves
2x zips
Pie warmer
200x cups and saucers
Wheelchair toilet
Infant changing table
Divider wall between main hall and lounge
The hall is suitable for 200 people, meeting style, or 130 seated at tables.
A vacuum cleaner, mops and buckets are supplied to hirers. Reasonable rates.
For further details, phone secretary Mary Gibson 07 887 6851 email gibson@no8wireless.co.nz