Tally Ho the New Year, what?

Annette, Danny the art guy and Iris wish one and all a Happy New Year.


The N8N team are going Out this evening, to see in the New Year proper-like.

Annette, David and Danny are joining Major Blunder and his regimental friends to take part in a New Year’s Eve Pot Luck Dinner with port tasting.

As the good Major says:  “Enjoy the year ahead, accept its challenges and rise to the occasion like a Modern Victorian; sword in hand, shoulder to shoulder and on to Glory!”

Seems a fine plan.  Miss Riddell has got her stilts out of the cupboard, and will be entertaining folk who are out and about.  Shame about the weather.

We wish you a truly happy New Year and here’s to a 2012 filled with much joy and fewer visits to the dentist.

PS We are certain that Perry Rice from Hamilton City Library would also wish to convey his seasonal greetings.

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Number 8 Network - a community website for the rural areas northeast of Hamilton, NZ, is run by Gordonton journalist/editor Annette Taylor.

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