Waikato district council report released

The Waikato district’s performance, projects and future focus is summarised in a report published in time for October’s local body elections.

The aim is to provide politically independent information about the issues the council faces, promote public discussion and help voters to make informed choices.

The information in the 18-page report is drawn from annual reports, the 2012-22 Long Term Plan and the 2013/14 Annual Plan. It highlights key projects for the next four years including upgraded water storage and reservoirs, water reticulation extensions and upgrades, bridge and roading renewals, and library purchases.

It is a new legal requirement for all councils from this year, and has been produced by the council chief executive Gavin Ion.

Click the following link to download the report:  pre-election report

The report highlights progress made over the past three years on key projects in the district, including completion of Te Kauwhata Library, Raglan Museum and Information Centre, Raglan Wharf, Kopua footbridge, Huntly cemetery land purchase, wastewater upgrades, Ngaruawahia water treatment plant upgrade, and District Plan change 2.

It also provides an overview of the council’s financial position, strategic direction and proposed approach to planning for growth, the services needed to meet that growth and maintaining existing services.

Chief Executive Gavin Ion said the report provided a succinct overview of the council’s business.

“This pre-election report is a useful summary of council’s focus in the past as well as its priorities for the future. It shows the council is in a sound financial position, with limits set on rates increases, solid debt management and briefly outlines plans in place to address the future service and infrastructure needs of the district.”

The report is also available here on the council’s website with other information about the election.

  • Thanks to Tamahere Forum, Number 8 Network’s sister community website.
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Number 8 Network - a community website for the rural areas northeast of Hamilton, NZ, is run by Gordonton journalist/editor Annette Taylor.

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