Gordonton reflections
Caz Warner has a Room with a View – she lives in the former head master’s house beside Hukanui Park. Word wizard, artist and wise owl, Caz will write a regular column for Number 8 Network on her reflections and musings. Here she ponders the Gordonton Market, which springs to life outside her window.

Scents and sounds drift through the window. Delicious smells rumble the tum. There’s chatter in the air and gentle guitar playing wends its way through mighty oaks across the park.
I open the window a tad more and sit to watch. Lulu leaps up to join me, sausage sizzle taunting her scruffy nose. Woof! Folk wandering in and around colourful sites under blue and white marquees. Sunshine, blue sky. Slightly muddy underfoot but hey, who cares?
It’s the second Saturday in May and our Gordonton Country Market is under way. The House in the Park is surrounded! And it’s good. Really good. I remember the day a few years back when Peter knocked on the door. He asked if we’d have any objections to a market being held so close to our living space.
Objections? You’re kidding. Wonderful idea. And it came to pass. The sweet sleepy hollow of Gordonton came to life each month.
Now I’m not an early riser. The misty morning sun pokes its tongue at me. But that first flush of market day with the sound of stall holders arriving at 6am had me up and at it.
Food, flora, furniture, face painting and fundraising. Beautiful funky handmade clothes and jewellery. Spinning wheels. Pasties and perfume. Crafty crafts, candles, coconut ice and cappuccinos. A cosy corner for Devonshire teas. And so much more.
Friends come to visit. To sit on the front porch for a chinwag and take in the happy atmosphere. Time to lift my derriere off the chair and pop over. Coffee cart first stop for purpose of fully functioning. Stock up on my favourite handmade soap then stroll around and soak it all up.
By 2pm, this lovely park is once again quiet and serene. It’s odd; they’ve all gone. The switch has been turned off and the view from my window is back to ‘normal’.
Sadly, this will be the last market day until September. Fair enough. To everything there is a season and winter is not kind to such outdoor communal delights.
I will miss the view from the window. Wake me up when September comes!