Historic records stolen from Eureka

A cabinet containing historic documents has been stolen from Eureka Hall.
Eureka resident Sue Edmonds says the local folk are devastated.
“Not because of the cabinet but what was in it. One hundred years of detailed records from school, clubs, and other historic documentation are gone.”
Thieves broke in to the hall on State Highway 26 on Wednesday or Thursday night. Two fireproof cabinets stored in the ladies toilets, and one, of a cupboard shape, were taken. Anything else with a lock on it had the lock broken.
“To move the cabinet must have taken the combined efforts of several males, and what they thought was inside isn’t known. Someone must have noticed a heavy fireproof cabinet being brought to somewhere, probably somewhere round Hamilton or the district. The people of Eureka don’t care about the cabinet, what they want back is the contents, which are of no use to anyone else.
If they are dumped or burned, it will be the whole history of a part of the Waikato whcih will be lost. There are heritage committees working with the Waikato District Council at present all over the place, and the various collections of historic data will one day be housed in a central museum. But not the stuff from Eureka, unless it is returned.”
Please keep an eye out and get in touch if you see anything.