Hole surprises whole lot of motorists

This time last Tuesday there was a huge hole on Woodlands Rd, which appeared out of nowhere.
Raewyn Reynolds took this photo on her phone not long after it appeared – she wasn’t allowed any closer, she says.
Dyanne Osborne told the Waikato Times she was driving home in her Nissan Navara when she almost drove into the hole.
“My head hit the top of the vehicle, my windscreen wipers came on, and I had a violent swerve. I thought I hit something. I didn’t dream I could have driven into this huge hole.”
The hole was about one by two metres in size, and one and a half metres deep. Waikato District Council put detours in place along Piako/Middle Rd and Whitikahu/Law Rd.
Wayne Reynolds told Number 8 Network his wife arrived just after the ute almost fell in. “It was all a bit of a surprise. From what she could see, it looked like it was caved in under the tar seal.”
The hole was patched up overnight, under floodlights “, said Valerie Morgan, who told N8N about the hole. “It was impassable, and it was a long way round.”
Wayne said their household rubbish was picked up, as was the morning’s milk – although the tanker was sent from the other end of Woodlands Rd. A few parents picking their children up from school/day-care had to take the long way round, as well.
Osborne said a car in front of her was not so lucky. “He had a very small car, and he got a flat tyre and a damaged rim.”
Council said the hole was in fact a collapsed culvert, or water passage. A digger dug out the cavern beneath Rd, replaced the culvert and compacted gravel on top.
my father in law was the one in the small car who got a flat tyre and damaged rim. It was a very shocking experience for him. Pleased the council got it fixed so quickly
They were very quick. Glad he wasn’t hurt, Sylvia.
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