Vet clinic ready for celebrations

Macyn is a special pussycat. The five-year-old moggy has just had a successful operation at Gordonton’s Global Veterinary Services, on their first day of small animal surgery.
And his owner, Sally Moore, a local veterinarian, got to do it.
A room in the building was recently converted into a theatre, and the team are now able to perform operations. They have also clocked up one year of being in business.
There will be a party, says owner Chris Gore, whose husband Andrew is one of two large animal vets there.
“We’re thinking lamb on a spit, on December 17. When we opened the doors for the first time last year, we held a party for 40. This time we’re hoping for around 200 people, mainly clients.”
Twelve months ago the building was an empty, rough warehouse. “We gutted it out, removed all the old wiring, I was doing 16-hour days scraping and painting,” Chris says.
They chose Gordonton because she and Andrew had lived here for 20 years, Andrew working for another vet practice. “Our children had been schooled at Gordonton Primary, we knew the community.”
Chris and Andrew now live in Horsham Downs.
Small animal veterinarian Sally is one of the locals, Chris says. “I was here early on, painting and scraping and she just knocked on the door. And then she asked if we had space for a small animal vet. We were a large animal practice, I thought. At that time people would come by with their dogs, and ask if we’d take small animals so we started to think about it.”
They decided to do a tentative foray by promoting small animal health, which was successful.
“So we’re now offering surgery, and have got ourselves an anaesthetic machine.”
It’s been a busy time, and business has boomed. “We’re fairly flat out, just about from day one. It’s very good,” Chris says.
As for little Macyn, it was dental work for him – got to look after those teeth. N8N is sure there will be sardines for him later.
What fun to see you & Macyn Sal – congratulations to you all on a busy and successful year!